
Monday, December 22, 2014

6 Reasons You Should Cut Your Fingernail

Have long fingernails would never make you look cool. Long, well groomed nails are usually seen as feminine and beautiful (wikiHow, 2014) so guys, please stop showing off your long fingernails or other nails in front of me.. I might think different. And for girls, stop asking me “Am I look good with this color (showing off your fingers to me)?” as I’m afraid I could be too honest and you will thank me for sharing my idea on the 6 reasons why we should cut our fingernails.  

First, have long fingernails shows how pathetic your life. 
Yes, appreciate small things in life but it doesn't have to be this far! Carry a nail file everywhere - buy nail polish – add more calcium in diet – spend more on supplementary vitamins – get bored with the color – use nail polish remover – apply other colors.. 
Girls, are you serious??

Second, you waste more time on manicure. 
Manicure..Pedicure or Paddington whatever…you waste your time and that the fact. People with long fingernails especially women, think they're like celebrity and claimed “This is new trend”. No? Bullshit. 
           I found a writer who does have the same blankly idea with me, thought that we should avoid shaking hands with people that have long fingernails because they might have used them while having sex or to pick their nose or ears (Efren, 2007). longer sounds cool? Why waste more spend on manicure while at home you eat like beggar, cannot afford to buy your own reload card and finally, no one is actually cares with your BOOM BOOM nails.  

Third, you are in big trouble with health issues. 
I enjoy watching people with long fingernails as this activity keep my brain to think and develop questions: 

“Did their fingernails get jammed between the doors?”, 
“How they typing while finishing the last minute report?”, 

“Are they enjoy the feel while bathing or scratching?” 

and the best part is, to know the fact that health experts generally agree that nails should be trimmed short and kept clean for optimal nail health (YGOY Health Community, 2012). 
Yes, 3-0!  

Fourth, you are just same with zombies. 

Pathetic life, give harm with other human being and have long fingernails. I’m wrong??

“I went to nail salons, manicured my nails and they got beautiful art and colors. Zombies don't have these.”

Clap. Clap. You're totally YOLO! 

Fifth, you will become lazy. 
You give trouble to other people. How? You give complaint when you need to button your clothes, refuse to cook, avoid gardening, home cleaning and always escape from other hard works just because you afraid that you'll crack your nail.

Sixth, this act is against your religion, your grandma and Science teachings. 
I don't know if you don't have religion but I'm sure your grandma had taught you to keep nails short for the sake of your health and we all learn Science. For Muslims, there is a narration in hadith which had mention about personal hygiene:

Anas (radhi allahu anhu) narrates, “The Messenger of Allah set a time limit for us to cut our moustaches, to cut our nails, to pluck our armpit hairs and to shave our pubic hairs; we were not to leave it any longer than forty days.” (Musnad Ahmad. Muslim and Nisaa’i; this version narrated by Ahmad).

The reason God had bestowed us with nails is actually to protect our fingertips that surround with soft tissues, minimize the probability of fingers to easily get injured. 
Sounds cool right? Yes it is. 6-0!

But people, you don't have to agree with me. We are all adult readers. If you love to have long nails, you know how to take care of your hands and nails right? No worries. I'm not going to bane any long nails community. Enjoy you day =) 

Sponsored by:

Efren. (2007). Asian guys and that one long pinky fingernail. Retrieved from

How to get long nails. (n.d). In wikiHow: to do anything. Retrieved from

Nail (anatomy). (2014). In Wikipedia: the free encyclopedia. Retrieved from

Nail care. (2012). In YgoY health community. Retrieved from

Thursday, December 18, 2014

Good Bye: So That’s What The Feels Like

Either to say good bye or listen people to say those words to you, I'm wondering how would you react upon it?

I’ve just called Mr. Bruce Wayne, asked his permission to use one of his famous lines in 'The Dark Knight Rises’:

               “So that’s what the feels like…”

Well, he said this to indicate his annoyance when the Catwoman leaved him without any word.  

So, talking about saying ‘Good bye’ - Everyone has different version of reactions upon these words.

Last night, after accompanied my friends attend their Christmas celebration, Sanchez took a balloon and released it to the air. We looked it floats high into the atmosphere until it disappeared from our sight. Suddenly he said:

               “ sad.”

With that goodbye sight from his eyes, I presumed he knew that’s what the feels like when it comes to say good bye. Yes. People feel sad to leave something or someone they appreciate.

But what about this?

Three years ago, my lecturer said this in class:

“It is great to know you. After I finish teaching this course, mark your paper, you must forget me. No need to contact me, text me, send email or add my facebook account. I will leave you, forget you and you need to forget me. Take this as a deal.”

And he did. He leaves us without any words and I had enjoyed learn this from him just to know better the ‘So..that’s what the feels like’.

This morning, I did something that makes my heart sing. I went to the train station, leaved my best friends and going to have a nice holiday trip with my family, I didn’t say goodbye to anyone because I'm afraid that…I'll be too happy.

Actually, it was awesome! 
No assignments. No silly meetings. No talkative girl friends. Waahhh…..

Goodbye !

Say goodbye to something that gives sadness, burden and disappointment is really amazing. No more explanation or further waste my time because now I knew that’s what the feels like.

So people, how would you react upon these words? 
It depends on your situations. 
If you think that this is just a fear talking from a crazy person, say goodbye to Elbani's World. 
Yes, Thank you.

Saturday, December 13, 2014

Mingle with Singles

My friends always make me laugh like hell. Not sure whether they know about this or not, but I’m telling you the truth.

I like them because we all share the same interests, have the same dirty mind and get impressed with the same silly things.

Feeling high!

Having different beliefs, cultures and ages aren't big deal to us. We still respect to each other, yet performing our responsibilities toward our religions.

Got mingle with these people; had taught me lot about life.

Naughty and always drives me crazy but she’s kind hearted person.

Shi Ming
Adorable and give audit to everyone happiness. She’s good in defending her stands. That’s why I respect her.

A good daughter from good parents. Very helpful in most of the time.    

A good girl that has a realistic goal in her life. 

With Dillys, Sylvia, Shi Ming and Rina

Brings delight to people as he started to open his mouth.    

Brilliant and hardworking girl. Always surprise people with her new ideas.

He just like Conan - lives by his own, looks simple but actually very genius.     

The youngest and beloved most by us. No one can replace him.

Big lies if I tell you that we didn't talked shit at the back of others or have fought throughout this friendship. We have some, but later forgiveness took place.   
They are my brothers and sisters

One rule in having a good friendship is to mind your words. Be careful of what you say because friendship could end in one minute because of a stupid word.  

I believe God had bestowed us with this friendship for a good purpose. 
So, if you have best friends, do appreciate them. 

Go mingle with them !

Friday, December 12, 2014

Never Touch Anything with Half of Your Heart

We know best ourselves when we love something or someone.

We enjoy bathing in the shower;
We keep repeating read our favorite chapter in the novel for million times;
We enjoy singing Miley Cyrus song’s “When I look at you” while driving alone at night;
We’re shaking, heart beating fast; yet enjoying the moment sitting beside someone we like even doing nothing.

And that’s normal.

But what will be happen if we do something with half of our heart?

I hate my leader. She failed to delegate tasks properly and acted like she is the only tortured creature in this world.
I hate my classmates every time they ask me questions during my presentation - after a clear explanation.
I hate my own lecturer when she got mingle with my own best friend and misused her power.
I hate my grandma. Always talk bad about people. I hope she dies early but she didn’t.
I hate myself have nothing better than to make this entry.

These are the examples of how terrible to do something with half of our heart. You'll hate everything and have little or no control over your hate.

So, fix it.

Never touch anything with half of your heart.

Instead of running away from your responsibility, perhaps you could choose to stay, help your leader and do whatever you could to finish the unwanted job?? or..

Changed your attitude toward Q and A sessions in class. Do you know that more questions are better? People pay attention to your ideas!

Enjoy hang out with that lecturer when he/she got mingle with your best friend. Who knows, money can fall from the sky?? 

Don't hate your grandma. Forget her. 

& problem solved.

Easy right? So, love what ever you do. If you couldn't, then pretend.

Sunday, December 7, 2014

Reward for Uncertain Thought

Last month, my dad bought two couples of Syrian hamsters as a gift for his daughter. 
He knew I love pets. So, after some period of time, 
I realised that both females had become more aggressive, 
grew bigger in size and when I was helping them for bathing, 
I speak to my mom,

       “Ma, I think they were pregnant.”

At that moment, I’m not sure whether my thought about this is true or not since this is my first time handling hamsters. Acting upon my feeling, I decided to put an extra care for them – comfy shelter, healthy foods and to avoid any unexpected possibility, I took out the exercise wheel from their cage.   

God bless me. Reward for this uncertain thought, now I have sixteen newborn babies hamsters! 

Eight from Mary Beth and the rest from Becky.

Day 1
Mary Beth’s babies

All are in black except one – pinky brown in colour. 
I felt a bit weird and keep talking to this one,

     “Why you look different from others?”

On day 21, they had opened their eyes, able to eat grain foods, 
sip water from the bottle and dare to bite my fingers! Ish..ish..ish..

So this morning, I had prepared a special bathtub for my babies and 
let them swam in the water. I realised my baby - the one with pinky brown colour: it has pink-red eyes..and I was worried.

Come to my newest thought – do I have an albino hamster? Is it able to see?

So, I did some research and read few articles regarding this situation. 

In Syrian Hamster history, it is common to face mutation during pregnancy which causes their offspring to have white or golden fur all over their body with pink-red eyes.        

It is nothing to worry even if it has red eyes because pet’s sight is not affected by the fact that it has red eyes. It is albino if it eyes coloured in red or amber colour.

Thus, I concluded that yes, my baby is an albino hamster. I shouldn't worry about this as long as it being active, healthy and able to find food and water by itself. 

Bella is waiting for Mary Beth giving birth
And, I really entertained by their actions. Each and everyday.

God knows how much I love them. (^_^)