
Monday, December 22, 2014

6 Reasons You Should Cut Your Fingernail

Have long fingernails would never make you look cool. Long, well groomed nails are usually seen as feminine and beautiful (wikiHow, 2014) so guys, please stop showing off your long fingernails or other nails in front of me.. I might think different. And for girls, stop asking me “Am I look good with this color (showing off your fingers to me)?” as I’m afraid I could be too honest and you will thank me for sharing my idea on the 6 reasons why we should cut our fingernails.  

First, have long fingernails shows how pathetic your life. 
Yes, appreciate small things in life but it doesn't have to be this far! Carry a nail file everywhere - buy nail polish – add more calcium in diet – spend more on supplementary vitamins – get bored with the color – use nail polish remover – apply other colors.. 
Girls, are you serious??

Second, you waste more time on manicure. 
Manicure..Pedicure or Paddington whatever…you waste your time and that the fact. People with long fingernails especially women, think they're like celebrity and claimed “This is new trend”. No? Bullshit. 
           I found a writer who does have the same blankly idea with me, thought that we should avoid shaking hands with people that have long fingernails because they might have used them while having sex or to pick their nose or ears (Efren, 2007). longer sounds cool? Why waste more spend on manicure while at home you eat like beggar, cannot afford to buy your own reload card and finally, no one is actually cares with your BOOM BOOM nails.  

Third, you are in big trouble with health issues. 
I enjoy watching people with long fingernails as this activity keep my brain to think and develop questions: 

“Did their fingernails get jammed between the doors?”, 
“How they typing while finishing the last minute report?”, 

“Are they enjoy the feel while bathing or scratching?” 

and the best part is, to know the fact that health experts generally agree that nails should be trimmed short and kept clean for optimal nail health (YGOY Health Community, 2012). 
Yes, 3-0!  

Fourth, you are just same with zombies. 

Pathetic life, give harm with other human being and have long fingernails. I’m wrong??

“I went to nail salons, manicured my nails and they got beautiful art and colors. Zombies don't have these.”

Clap. Clap. You're totally YOLO! 

Fifth, you will become lazy. 
You give trouble to other people. How? You give complaint when you need to button your clothes, refuse to cook, avoid gardening, home cleaning and always escape from other hard works just because you afraid that you'll crack your nail.

Sixth, this act is against your religion, your grandma and Science teachings. 
I don't know if you don't have religion but I'm sure your grandma had taught you to keep nails short for the sake of your health and we all learn Science. For Muslims, there is a narration in hadith which had mention about personal hygiene:

Anas (radhi allahu anhu) narrates, “The Messenger of Allah set a time limit for us to cut our moustaches, to cut our nails, to pluck our armpit hairs and to shave our pubic hairs; we were not to leave it any longer than forty days.” (Musnad Ahmad. Muslim and Nisaa’i; this version narrated by Ahmad).

The reason God had bestowed us with nails is actually to protect our fingertips that surround with soft tissues, minimize the probability of fingers to easily get injured. 
Sounds cool right? Yes it is. 6-0!

But people, you don't have to agree with me. We are all adult readers. If you love to have long nails, you know how to take care of your hands and nails right? No worries. I'm not going to bane any long nails community. Enjoy you day =) 

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Efren. (2007). Asian guys and that one long pinky fingernail. Retrieved from

How to get long nails. (n.d). In wikiHow: to do anything. Retrieved from

Nail (anatomy). (2014). In Wikipedia: the free encyclopedia. Retrieved from

Nail care. (2012). In YgoY health community. Retrieved from

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